General rules
1. Fair play and respect
The important thing about this project is that it gives us all a good time playing PES with people from around the world. Have fun, enjoy yourselves, talk and get to know people as you play. Joke if you wish but consider that language is also delicate and can be easily misinterpreted, so be moderate as we are all new. Losing sometimes is not easy, but always remember to congratulate and accept defeat, learn, ask for help and train to become better. Be humble in defeat, and do not cheat to win. If you don’t lose, you won’t know how it feels to truly win. Speak with respect and have a good time with nice football, and even nicer goals!
Important: Don’t skip goals of your opponent. Skipping goals of your opponent serveral times might end in a yellow or red card.
Also don’t celebrate to annoy your opponent. Celebration after an important goal or nice goal is of course allowed. But don’t do it just to blame your opponent.
1.1. Punishment
Scoring a goal using not allowed mechanics/formations: the goal just doesn’t count
Depending on the action, the user eitehr recieves:
- a warning (smaller issues)
- a yellow card :yellowcard: (e.g. when repeatidly breaking the rules or not finishing the season without any reason) -> depends, but could lead into a seasonal ban (1 season)
- a red card :redcard: (e.g. trying to cheat, heavily breaking the rules, violating people, etc.) -> banned from the community
All Admins will discuss about the problem and decide, when the punishment is needed.
In special situations it will be necessary to give your Evidence, so please record the issues (e.g. a goal scored using forbidden mechanics)!
1.2. Forbidden mechanics/actions
General note: This is NOT MyClub/Dreamteam, this is a fair league where we encourage open and fluid play. Don’t spam mechanics that can be used to exploit the game for an advantage. Play with respect. The following actions/mechanics are forbidden in the current season (might change from season to season):
1.2.1. Kick-off bug
After the kick-off (e.g. playing back to the next player/to a defender) doing a (almost) full loaded lofted pass to the opponents box is forbidden (the AI can heavily derp right after kick-off). Goals scored this way doesn’t count.
1.2.2. Off-the-ball passes
Whenever you have a standard (free kick, throw-in, corner kick or goal kick) it is not allowed to switch to a field player and press any pass button, as this will trigger an pass executed by the AI with assisted aim. It is allowed to switch to the field players to move them, but the pass itself needs to be executed manually (switching back to the executing player and do the pass by yourself). Goals scored after using this doesn’t count -> if used in the defense, it could also happen that the game will be repeated or the trainer will be punished, based on how often it happens.
1.2.3 Corner kick exploit (added in Season 4)
Doing a short lofted pass on a corner kick (usually between the corner and the first post), extend the cross per header to the box, to finish with a second header
Same counts for freekicks which are also near the corner. A goal scored using this (or right after using it) doesn’t count.
Long corner kicks (e.g. to the 2nd post or even to the other corner) still can be extended with a header (as those crosses are taking enough time to defend them without any switching/ai derp). Also you can of course use this move during the basic gameplay
1.3. Forbidden formations/tactis
There are again certain formations which are used in MyClub/Dream which we would prefer not to be used in the league (mainly because the AI derps). Those formations are frequently reflected in polls to see what the community is thinking about them. As of now, the following formations are not allowed:
- max attacking level (2x red) / max defending level (2x blue) is only allowed after 80 minutes (1x red or 1x blue is always allowed)
- using 4 or more attacking (red) positions (CF, SS, LWF, RWF) at the same time
- using 3 or more centered attackers (any combination of CF, SS) at the same time
- using 4 or more centered defenders (CB) at the same time
- using 3 CBs + LB or 3 CBs + RB (using 3CBs + LB AND RB is allowed)
2. Competition Settings
Match Setting
Match Type: Standard
Match Time: 15 min.
Injuries: Off
Extra Time: Off
PK (Penalty shootout): Off
No. of Subtitutions: 5
No. of Sub. Intervals: 3
Condition Home: normal
Condition Away: normal
Controller Setting
manual pass level: level 4 (this is full manual)
shot type: manual
direction guide: off
feint command type: manual
2.1. Competitions
2.1.1 League
In the league everyone plays 2 games each other (one home and one away) with the settings mentioned above. Depending on the ranking the players will qualifiy for the “international cups” which starts after the league is done (CL: champions league, EL: europe league and CC: conference cup)
The final deadline won’t be extended for single trainers, as the whole season is related to this.
2.1.2 Cup
The cups starts when the league starts. Every stage is only one game. Settings are the same as mentioned above, but Extra Time and PK turned on. Deadlines usually can’t be extended in the first rounds, but on later stages (~semi final) there could be exceptions.
2.1.3 International Cups
The international cups start once the league has finished. They all start with a group stage (usually 2 our 4 groups will play per competition and first&second place of each group qualifies for the knockout). Group stage is 2 games per trainer vs. trainer (one home, one away) and the settings mentioned in 2. Competition Settings. It’s the same for the knockout stages – except the final. The final is a single game with Extra Time and PK turned on.
If a knockout stage ends in a draw (e.g. semi final 3:1 and 2:0 -> 3:3 in total) you have to play a third game with Extra Time and PK turned on – and match time = 5 minutes. Deadlines can’t be extended except the finals.
2.1.4 Winners Cup
Same rules as used in the cup. The winners cup participents will be determined the following way (results of last season):
- the champions of each league (usually 4 in total)
- winner of the Cup, CC, EL and CL (also 4 in total)
If one player won 2 competitons the first one counts (order like mentioned above). The next person takes the spot (e.g. if CL winner already won the League, the 2nd place of the CL joins the winners cup). Same happens if one of the winners doesn’t join the season.
Example: PlayerA won the League, the Cup (player B was 2nd in the Cup) and the CL (player B was also 2nd and Player C 3rd in the CL). Player A will join as the league winner, player B will join via Cup and player C will join via CL.
2.2. posting result
After each game, the home team has to post result. Please try to record the games or at least do screenshots of the scorers after the game – in case there is any doubt or clarification needed.
Currently only goals should be entered on the website, as in efootball23 it is not possible to see the assists easily/quick enough.
2.3. deadlines
Deadline are usually announced and needs to be respected. In some cases deadlines can be extended, but mostly a deadline is fix. If a player didn’t played his games within the deadline, what will happen depends on the situation. If one player doesn’t try to play the game / tried it less in a knockout: the games will be evaluated 1:0 for the other team.
If someone in the league plays no game or only a few: all games will be evaluated 1:0 for the other teams (even those, which were already played).
If the games don’t have any impact on the table or if both players didn’t find a time to play – the games just keep unplayed.
2.4. Ranking (Table, Group Stage, Knockouts)
Winning = 3 points
Tie = 1 point
Order to determine the ranking/winner (away goals does not count more in direct comparison anymore):
Points > Direct Comparison > Goal Difference > Total Number of Goals
Example (player A, B and C played draw in the direct comparison vs. each other):
Player A has 11 Points, 7 Goals for & 3 Goals against him (difference = +4)
Player B has 11 Points, 9 Goals for & 6 Goals against him (difference = +3)
Player C has 11 Points, 3 Goals for & 0 Goals against him (difference = +3)
Player D has 0 Points, 0 Goals for & 10 Goals against him (difference = -10)
1. Player A (has better difference than B and C)
2. Player B (same difference as C but more goals)
3. Player C
4. Player D
3. Squad Rules
Since Efootball23 each player is unique on the website (which means that a player can only be part of one team at the same time).
If a trainer is banned or doesn’t participate 2 seasons in a row, all players of that trainer get released (e.g. you didn’t finished your games in Season 3 and got evaluated and don’t sign up for Season 4). If you try to abuse something, it could be that you get forced to change your player (or rules may change at anytime). Example: increasing the shooting power + set place skill of a GK to 99 (so he is still a level 70 GK but has 99 in free kicks) and use him as a field player is obviously trying to cheat. Please always think twice “is this really fairplay or am I trying to abuse something?”
3.1. Squad & Player restrictions
- a squad must have 23 players
- the maximum overall values are 4x 74, 4x 75, 4x 76, 4x 77, 4x 78 and 3x 79 (of course you can have a squad with 23x 72 if you want to)
- players can be leveled (if you have a 68 player and train him to 75 overall he counts as a 75 player)
- trainer and players can’t be changed during the season (which includes changing any stat on the player like playstyle once the season started)
- only normal players can be used -> “Contract” -> “Standard Player List” (so no “players of the week” or “legendary” player cards)
- if you have player version from a previous update (e.g. Musiala as a 72 AMF, while he is 79 AMF now) you can use the any of those
- same counts for deleted players (if musiala get’s deleted, you still can use him if you have him, as long as he exists on the planetfuma data base)
- a players overall outside the squad is important (“My Team” -> “Players”)
- if a player has more overall on a different position (e.g. if Thuram has 83 as SS in below example), you can’t use him on that position
- exception:you have a 78 LMF (ingame 81 because of team bonus) which you use as AMF and he has 82 as AMF -> this is allowed but he conts as 79 (instead of 78)
Example: Thuram is shown as 82 CF in the formation (because he gets +3 Team bonus), but in real he is a 79 CF (2nd picture is from “My Team” -> “Players”)
He counts as a 79 overall player
3.2 Squad validation
- before you do your first game of each season, your squad needs to be validated
- once the squad is validated, no changes are allowed for the current season anymore
- you need to post your squad in a own thread in #team-overview
- you can change/update your old thread every season or create a new one
- information which needs to be added to your thread:
- one screenshot of your main squad + the trainer -> cursor on the trainer to show his name & values in the bottom right corner (see screenshot one as an example)
- 18 screenshots of your players -> one screenshot per player, showing all stats in “My Team” -> “Players” (see screenshot two as an example)